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    • Sep2Sat

      Weekly Update - September 3rd

      September 2, 2023
      Filed Under:
      Weekly Updates

      Recurring Dates and Notices

      • (Bi-weekly) Midweek Communion 10:30am Resuming September 13
      • (Monthly) Church Council Meetings - September 14, 2023
      • (Monthly) Ladies Breakfast Saturday, Sept. 16, 9 am, Ricky’s All-Day Grill
      • (Weekly) Airdrie House of Prayer - Wednesdays 12-1 pm St. Francis Anglican


      1. Back to School Clothing Swap – Sept 7/8 hosted here at LCM. Contact Cat if you would like to help organize cloths and host shoppers.  tyler08@gmail.com

      2. Fall BBQ Sunday Sept 17. Dessert Auction (sharing welcome!).  Please sign up in the narthex if you wish to donate a dessert.

      3. Confirmation classes - Pastor Tim is proposing 4:30 pm on Wednesdays. Third Wednesday of each month. Confirmation youth will attend in person 6:30-8:30pm with the Calgary Area youth. More details to follow.

      4. Confirmation Sunday is Oct. 22, 2023. Please pray for Austen, Adam and Jesse.

      5. Worship Planning Team - Lorrie and Pastor Tim are gathering a team of worship planners to plan services 2 months at a time beginning this September.

      6. Wedding Bells! Congratulations to Lynne Shemko and Chris Swift as they say their vows in Canmore on September 14th.

      7.  LEAD Team - will be meeting at the church Saturday September 16th 8:00am -12:00pm