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- Recurring Dates and Notices
- (Bi-weekly) Midweek Communion -10:30 am, Wednesday November 23
- (Monthly) Church Council Meeting - Thursday December 8, 7 pm
- (Monthly) Ladies Breakfast - Third Saturday, 9 am, Ricky’s All-Day Grill
- (Weekly) Confirmation Classes - Wednesdays, 6:30 pm
- (Weekly) Bible Study Nurturing Your Faith Tuesdays 7 pm at Kemps.
- (Weekly) Family Choir Practice – Thursdays 7pm and Sundays 10:15am
2. New Year Soup Lunch - Sunday January 8th. The LEAD team invites you to join in a meal, conversation and fun games to help us learn about our church and what God is up to among us.
3. Airdrie Community Choir "Christmas Songfest", Dec. 4th 6:00pm, Crossfield Baptist Church. Tickets $10 @ airdriecommunitychoir.org - Festival of Lights Dec. 12th, 7:00pm, ose Creek Park, Foodbank donations at the gate.
4. Advent Family Choir - Choir will begin practicing for Advent and Christmas Thursdays and Sundays. All ages and experience levels are invited to sing.
5. Prayer Requests -The Pachal’s son-in-law Patrick who has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Cindie Smith continues cancer treatments. Velma Wray awaits hip surgery. Verna Rachansky is home after a stay in hospital this fall.
6. Christmas Hamper donations - LCM is sponsoring a family of 7 this Advent season. We are collecting gift cards for food and gifts in a variety of denominations. Preferences are Superstore for food and Cross Iron or Walmart for gifts for the family members. Please contact Kathy Williams (403-863-8921) for details or see the list on the bulletin board at church.
7. Missed A Service? The sermon for this Sunday November 27th, has now been prepared and shared by Rev. Patricia Giannelia in the BC Synod, who is now retired. The YouTube link for direct sharing is here: https://youtu.be/gi-4kDVJ1fc