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    • Jul2Sat

      Weekly Update - July 3

      July 2, 2022
      1. Recurring Dates and Notices
      • (Bi-weekly) Midweek Communion - 10:30 am, Wednesday July 6
      • (Monthly) Church Council Meeting - Thursday August 11, 7pm
      • (Monthly) Ladies Breakfast – Third Saturday, 9am, Ricky’s All-Day Grill

      2.  Camp Kuriakos

      Check out their Summer Brochure for upcoming programs: https://s3.amazonaws.com/media.cloversites.com/89/891af7d1-52b4-45e5-a9a2-768c4216173f/documents/summerprograms2022-FINAL_1_.pdf 

      3.  Prayer Examples

      Do you sometimes have difficulty with finding the right words when Praying?  Here are some examples to guide you as you pray for individuals recovering from surgery, hospice care, undergoing treatment or testing, recent diagnosis, for those facing illness, and time of conflict or crisis. Click here for some examples (posted on the LCM website)

      4.LCM Summer Maintenance

      There are a number of projects on the go to keep our church maintained and looking good this summer. All help no matter how small is welcome! Details are on the sign-up sheet in the narthex. Questions? Contact Arlen Masson P: 587-580-6193.

      5.  Missed A Service? This weeks Sermon, Sunday July 3rd was prepared by  Rev. Adam Snook.  Here is the YouTube link to the sermon, click HERE