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- Recurring Dates and Notices
- (Bi-weekly) Midweek Communion - 10:30 am, Wednesday August 17
- (Monthly) Church Council Meeting - Thursday August 11, 7pm
- (Monthly) Ladies Breakfast – Third Saturday, 9am, Ricky’s All-Day Grill
2. Camp Kuriakos
Check out their Summer Brochure for upcoming programs: https://s3.amazonaws.com/media.cloversites.com/89/891af7d1-52b4-45e5-a9a2-768c4216173f/documents/summerprograms2022-FINAL_1_.pdf
Check out Kuriakos Courier’s Newsletter
3. Church Services on Zoom
Away on holidays? Stay connected with LCM! You can still attend regular Sunday services via zoom. Connect from your campground, from another province, even another country. Simply visit the church website and click on JOIN. You can also keep up on your offerings through Canada Helps to donate online.
4. Missed A Service? The sermon for August 14th was prepared for you by Rev. Prema Samuel. Click HERE to view.