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- Recurring Dates and Notices
- (Bi-weekly) Midweek Communion - 10:30am, Wednesday October 12
- (Monthly) Church Meeting - Thursday October 13th, 7pm
- (Monthly) Ladies Breakfast - Third Saturday, 9am, Ricky's All-Day Grill
- (Weekly) Confirmation Classes - Wednesday, 6:30pm
- (Weekly) Bible Study Nurturing Your Faith: Prayer Tuesdays 7pm at Kemps
- (Weekly) Quilting - Thursday morning 9:30am
- SAVE THE DATE: Women's Retreat November 4-6, 2022 Camp Kuriakos.
Resource person: Pastor Deborah Ann Taylor, Camrose. We will be organizing a group from LCM. Please speak to Debbie Kemp if interested. More information is posted on their website: Kuriakos / Adults.
3. Prayers for our Confirmation Class
Please pray for our confirmation aged youth as they explore in their own lives "The Way of Jesus". Austen, Emma, Asia, Jesse and Adam.4. Ponder Anew with Bishop Larry
Join Bishop Larry on Saturday October 15th. Enjoy dinner and an evening hearing about the mission of our Synod and the way that people are giving. No cost to attend. Register at https://ponderanew.ca/calgary before October 6th.5. MISSED A SERVICE? Today's sermon has been prepared and shared by Rev. Karaen Stempko who serves Christ Lutheran in Rhein, Sask. The YouTube link for direct sharing is here: https://youtu.be/g30IZYUO8HM
- Recurring Dates and Notices