He is not here, he has Risen (Matthew 28:6)

    I am with you always, even to the end of the age (Matthew 10:19)

    Welcome to the Lutheran Church of the Master

    We are a small church that believes God loves this city.

    We are energized by the many community partnerships that have popped up on Main Street.  It is fun to see people employing their passion and wisdom for the benefit of our community.  Many people come through the doors of our building in a given week for choir practice, addiction support groups, quilting ministry, acting lessons, music recitals, school assemblies and other community events.  We see these activities as gifts of God and we celebrate the way that they enrich the lives of many.  

    The central ministry of Lutheran Church of the Master is to gather around the Word of God on Sunday morning.  We meet together to receive the promises of forgiveness and renewal, we hear ancient scriptures brought to life, we commit our lives to serving others and we partake in a communion with God and neighbor as we gather at Christ's table.  All of this in one hour! and it's open for all.  

    Peruse our website, check out our zoom broadcast (it's not fancy), attend a service, send an email.  We pray that you are encouraged as you consider the awe and mystery of a God that loves you.

    Pastor Tim Wray


    Sixth Sunday After Easter

    May 5th

    Worship Service
    11:00 AM
    with Holy Communion

    Zoom Connection for the Worship Service.  Click here to JOIN, 

    The bulletin for Sunday May 5th  can be viewed


    Have you missed one of the Sermons?  Here is a list of what is avaiable for your viewing.

    Sundat April 21st - sorry not available

    Sunday April 14th - click HERE

    Below is a  two day narrative and the build up to Easter Sunday written by Pastor Tim, and delived by multiple members of the congregation.  It tells the story of the Passover in laymans terms.  Here are the link's, enjoy!
    * Thursday March 28th  click HERE
    * Friday March 29th click HERE
    *  Easter Sunday March 31st, click HERE


    Women's Breakfast "New Location"

    We have changed the location for our monthly breakfast meeting.  It will now be at Cheryl's Kitchen, 532 1st Avenue NE starting this month on the third Saturday which is March 16th. All Women are welcome! 


    Offering *NEW OPTION"!We are grateful for the continued financial support for our ministry.  There are a number of way to give if you are unable to worship with us in person. We are making it even easier to donate to LCM, we've added  an etransfer option!

    - For the etransfer option email treasurer@lcotmaster.com , indicate in the notes the designation (general or specific to a program)
    -  Cheques can be mailed or dropped off in the black box by the administration office.
    -   Pre-authorized payments are also available. Email: treasurer@lcotmaster.com for the form.

    • Online through Canada Helps Click here to DONATE ONLINE
    • ___________________________________________________

    We Now have Three (3) Stain Glass Windows and the momentium continues to grow. The one on the left is named "The Master" and was given in memory of Wes Smith and Andy Tansowny donated by Lee and Lorrie.  The second (2) titled "The Tree of Life" was given by the Born family in Memory of Wes Born.  The newest one is titled "Gethsemane" sponsored by the Colbens family for the faith, love and serice of their parents Dorothy and Tom Colbens.  On Sunday Jan. 21st  when the "Tree of Life" was unvailed Pastor Tim wrote a sermon which explains the story behind the window.  This link connects to his sermon in Word, click HERE


    Calgary is stilll recieving 100 Ukrainians a day!  SWARM is asking congregations to gather house wares to help furnish refugee homes.  They are looking for CLEAN kitchenware, bathroom furnishings, bedding, tools, furniture to set up Ukrainian families.  If we can collect them at LCM we can arrange delivery or pick up with SWARM.   (SWARM contact: Jackie Anderson  403-988-3132)


    Introduction to the Liturgical Year 2024

    The Liturgical Year is a precious blessing bestowed upon us by the early Christians who came before us. It is important to remember that the Church calendar is distinct from the daily Gregorian calendar. The Church Year or Liturgical Year begins in November or December and centers upon events in the life of our Lord Jesus and His Church.  Here is the link to 2024 Calendar



    Quilting Group - started in January. the meet every Thursdays 9:30 am, all are welcome.


    The Airdrie youth group has changed their time to 6:30 on Saturdays.

    www.airdriechristianyouthgroup.com is their website.  It doesn't have much information but it's a way to contact the organizers.


    Check out our NEW "Community Links & Events Blog".  "Community Links" is a series of workshops available for children and adults on topics such as mental health, and parenting in general over the next several months.  "Community Events" are a direct link to events happening inn our community.  httpsCOMMUNITY LINKS



    Do you sometimes have difficulty with finding the right words when Praying.  Here are some examples to guide you as you pray for individuals recovering from surgery, hospice care, undergoing treatment or testing, recent diagnosis, for those facing illness, and time of conflict and crisis.  Click  HERE for some examples. These prays can also be found on ELCIC's website.


    Worship Team Schedule
    Clink here to view: SCHEDULE


    Contact information:
    Website: lcmairdrie.com
    Email: lcotmaster@gmail.com
    Pastor Tim Wray: 780-216-9729
    Administration office: 403-948-3567
