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    • Feb10Fri

      Weekly Update -- February 12th

      February 10, 2023
      Filed Under:
      Weekly Updates
      1. Recurring Dates and Notices
      • (Bi-weekly) Midweek Communion -10:30 am, Wed. Feb. 15 and Mar. 1
      • (Monthly) Church Council Meeting - Thursday March 9, 7 pm
      • (Monthly) Ladies Breakfast - Third Saturday, 9 am, Ricky’s All-Day Grill
      • (Weekly) Confirmation Classes - Wednesdays, 6:30 pm
      • (Weekly) Quilting - every Thursday at 9:30 am. All are welcome!
      • Easter Choir Practices - Thursdays at 7:00 pm following Lenten Supper

      2.  Lutheran Church of the Master AGM - Today at 12:15 pm following church service. Availability to participate will be in person and byzoom. AGM documents are available on the LCM website under Church Council Meetings. Password: Contact one of the Council Members.

      3.  Want to become a member at LCM? Talk to Pastor Tim or Linda Masson. We can get you a mailbox, envelopes and discuss the advantages of joining our congregation.

      4.  Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper - Feb. 21st 6:00 pm. For those who wish, there will be a short ashes ceremony by Pastor Tim at 7:00 pm. 

      5.  Lenten Soup Suppers are back! Starting March 2 and each Thursday during Lent, join us for soup suppers starting at 5:30. Sign-up is on the bulletin board in the church foyer.

      6.  Bishop Larry invites lay and rostered leaders to join him in a Synod-wide online Bible study: each Tuesday in Lent beginning February 27th at 9:00am or 7:00pm. Registration and Information

      7.  Missed A Service?  This Sunday's sermon (February 12th) was prepared and shared by Pastor Jailyn Corbin who serves St. Paul Lutheran Church in Yorkton, SK.The YouTube video link for directly sharing the sermon is here: https://youtu.be/DU8HkXjJo2g

      8.  The Daniel Plan: 40 Days to a Healthier Life - Family Life Church is leading this bible study Wednesdays in the portables at 7pm, Starting March 1, 2023.